Donate now through Interac | Donate now through Canada Helps
Emmanuel offers many opportunities to get involved in the life of the church. Whatever your interest, talent, or passion…we welcome you warmly to share your gifts! Giving back is a great way to serve God, the church, and others; make new friends; enjoy fellowship and feel a sense of community; learn new skills; and learn more about who we are and what we do. You can offer as much or as little time/resources as you are able.
Worship/special events
- Lend your voice to the choir
- Sponsor a weekly bulletin in memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion
- Volunteer to help with collecting/counting the offering
- Be a greeter, or help others use the lift
- Help staff the Sunday School or nursery
- Provide greeter/lift services or food for special events
To learn more, contact the church office, (705)946-4949, emmanuel.office@shaw.ca.
Our committees focus on Christian development; finance; membership and communications; ministry and personnel; outreach; property; worship; and gifts/memorials.
We also have other teams looking after the church flower beds, the community garden, pastoral care, fundraising, and more.
Contact the church office to find out which committee or team might be able to use another pair of hands. Many hands make light work!
United Church Women
This group unites the women of the congregation in Christian witness, study, fellowship and service. They welcome new members to join them in their activities and projects. Contact the church office to learn more.
Financial giving
Donate now through Interac | Donate now through Canada Helps
Ways you can contribute to Emmanuel (contact the church office if you have questions), whether it’s your regular offering to the church or for a special purpose (mission and service, community outreach, community garden, etc.):
- Monthly preauthorized remittance or PAR (we strongly encourage PAR as it vastly improves our ability to do financial planning)
- Weekly offering during our Sunday service (weekly envelopes are available)
- e-Transfer through your financial institution
You can also support the church or a specific project/program beyond your lifetime through planning a bequest (consult your financial advisor or attorney).
Another way to contribute is to donate supplies for worship, Sunday school, kitchen, cleaning, facilities, events, community garden, etc. Contact the church office to learn more.
And you can also give back just by being you—by giving a warm and friendly welcome to all who cross the threshold of Emmanuel.